Monday, September 28, 2009

Entry #5-Success Project-The Design Brief

To create ten posters that interpret the 10 IBO learners profile with a positive message. These posters would be created to cacth the attention of Students, Teachers, Administrators, Visitors, and Parents that enter Thurgood Marshall Academy. These posters will contain non-offensive messages, appropiate words, correct spelling and grammar, appropiate size, and all people involved in pictures would have school uniform on. To make the posters eye cacthing they would include good pictures, cacthy qoutes, no curse words, and things that teens can relate to.

Entry #4-Success Project-Areas Of Interaction

All of the Areas Of Interactions are highlighted for this design task. For each area of interaction i must be able to relate with the IB profile and make others relate to it and undertsand it

Entry #3-Success Project-Guiding Questions

Who is my target audience?

What can I do to make my poster cacth people's attention?

How am I going to organize my poster in order to make it presentable?

Entry #2-Success Project-Design Task

We have to create ten posters and each poster has to represent one of the Areas Of Interaction with creative pictures and captions.